August 19, 2016 Author: Matthew Renze

As I speak at various conferences and events, I often get asked for my recommendations on the top books I’ve read on Agile practices, code craftsmanship, and data science. So, I decided to compile a list of these books and make them available to everyone.

The books are organized into three categories: Agile practices, code craftsmanship, and data science. Each set of books are listed in order of their influence on my knowledge in each of these three categories.

Agile Practices


The Lean Startup
Scaling Software Agility
The Agile Samurai


The Phoenix Project
The Mythical Man Month


Code Craftsmanship


The Pragmatic Programmer
Clean Code
Code Complete


Design Patterns
Head First Design Patterns
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture


Domain-Driven Design
Dependency Injection in .NET


Data Science


Pattern Recognition
Pattern Classification and Machine Learning
Machine Learning


Data Science for Business
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Visualize This

Each of these books has had a significant impact on my knowledge in each of these three areas of my career. I hope you all will find this collection of books valuable as well.

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A list of the top programming books I've read over the course of my career.