Author: Matthew Renze
Published: 2025-01-01

What if I told you that alien lifeforms were on their way to Earth right at this very moment?

We know they are very different from us. We know they are super intelligent. And, we know they have superior technology.

However, we don’t know if they will be friendly or hostile. We don’t know how their arrival will affect our world. And, we don’t know exactly when they will arrive, but we predict they will be here within the next decade or so.

What would you do if you found out all of this were true? How would you prepare yourself, your family, and your business? How should we prepare our economy, our society, and our world?

This alien arrival story might sound like science fiction, but I assure you it is true. However, this alien lifeform isn’t traveling to Earth from some faraway planet. Rather, it’s already here, just waiting for someone to put all of its pieces together and awaken it from its slumber.

The alien life I’m referring to is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) — and it’s likely much closer than you might imagine.

The Road to AGI

In this series of articles, we’ll discuss the road to AGI. A journey from the limited AI we have today to the highly capable AI we will have in the future. Along the way, I’ll explain the key concepts that you need to know in order to understand what AGI is and how it will likely be developed.

This series of articles is organized into the following topics:

The Three Types of AI

In this article, we’ll explore the three main types of AI: Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI). We’ll learn what they are and how they differ from one another.

AI of the Past

In this article, we’ll learn about the problems we’ve solved in AI research over the last few decades. We’ll learn how we foundational problems we’ve already solved, like creating neural networks, machine learning, and deep learning.

AI of Today

In this article, we’ll learn about the problems in AI research that we’re overcoming right now on the road to AGI. We’ll learn how AI researchers are solving problems like attention, understanding, and agency.

AI of Tomorrow

In this article, we’ll learn about the problems in AI research that we need to solve over the next few years on the road to AGI. We’ll discuss how AI researchers might solve problems like generality, reasoning, and embodiment.

AI of the Future

In this article, we’ll learn about the problems that we might need to solve to achieve AGI and, eventually, ASI. We’ll learn about potential solutions to problems like recursive self-improvement, artificial consciousness, and value alignment.

Beyond AI

In this final article in the series, we’ll discuss the possibility of a unified theory of intelligence — an “AI Theory of Everything”. We’ll learn about Karl Friston’s Free Energy Principle and how it may take us from Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Life.


To learn more, please check out the next article in this series: The Three Types of AI [coming Nov 1]. I also recommend that you watch my video on Artificial General Intelligence: The Road to Human-Level AI.